Oral Presentations Guidelines

  • The presentation time is 15 minutes.
  • Font and Size: Use clear, easy-to-read fonts. Boldface headings and key points for easier viewing.
  • Content (as a guide only): Organize your talk into clear sections:
    • Title: Briefly and accurately describe your research question or project.
    • Introduction: Provide context and background information.
    • Methodology: Briefly explain your research methods and procedures.
    • Results: Highlight your key findings and present data visually using graphs, charts, and images.
    • Discussion: Interpret your results and explain their significance.
    • Conclusion: Summarize your main points and potential future directions.

Poster Presentations Guidelines

  • Poster Size: The poster size should be no bigger than A0 (84.1 cm x 119.0 cm).
  • Orientation: Please use the Portrait orientation.
  • Font and Size: Use clear, easy-to-read fonts. Boldface headings and key points for easier navigation.
  • Content (as a guide only): Organize your poster into clear sections:
    • Title: Briefly and accurately describe your research question or project.
    • Introduction: Provide context and background information.
    • Methodology: Briefly explain your research methods and procedures.
    • Results: Highlight your key findings and present data visually using graphs, charts, and images.
    • Discussion: Interpret your results and explain their significance.
    • Conclusion: Summarize your main points and potential future directions.
    • References: List any sources used in your research.
Oral presentation at previous MDBD.
Poster presentations at previous MDBD.

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